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Forum: Updates (in English)
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» Views: 1,121 - 25th November 2022
Posted by: sebi - 11-30-2022, 12:38 PM - Forum: Updates (in English) - No Replies

BIG 💣 changes in this update

This update comes with important changes that will improve your productivity and open your 👀 to new business opportunitiesFirst of all, let me tell you a bit about the smaller changes in this version, which are also important:

  • fixed login in Lovense extension
  • fixed a latency issue with spying microphone (hopefully).
  • on Chaturbate. Since 19th october, it started happening that one model was streaming from other model's streaming-key and vice-versa. This happened to me and also to models in other studios, and accounts where banned. I've reported the issue to Chaturbate, even to Shirley, but it will take ages till they will take me seriously. So I've implemented automatic reset of streaming token, every time the model goes online, to always ensure a fresh token used for that streaming session.
  • removed webcam preview (retrieved from OBS) on XLoveCam. Despite I've made it 10fps, it still confuses camgirls and value/productivity was affected as it seems.
  • staff persons will be able to open as many accounts in the same browser, without needing to logout from previous accounts:
    [Image: 19-1.png]
  • tab coloring and grouping. The camsites opened will now get grouped by "stagename" and this will allow for easier and better management for your trainers.
  • automatic earnings detection will now work even when a staff person opens and logs-in in a camsite. For example if trainer Maria will open Streamray of model Christina, earnings will be detected once the trainer loggedin in her streamray account.
 Now, about the big update [Image: devil_smile.png]🌸 Creator Agency functionalitiesNow you can extend your business from being only a cam-studio, to being also a Creators Agency.With Camerolla and our powerful app, you can now manage sexters and creators as-well. And we've made things crazy simple.You already know how to add Staff accounts and model accounts, no? Now a new type of account has been added to the system: THE SEXTER account.
[Image: 19-2.png]
So, now you can build your own team of sexters, and here's how simple and effective we've made things:
  • a sexter account, will only be able to access fansite accounts. For example, if you have model MARIA who has camsite accounts but also fansite accounts, here's what happens:
    • a staff person will be able to see all type of accounts of this model (for example her XLoveCam account, her LiveJasmin account, but also her OnlyFans or LoyalFans accounts)
    • but the sexter will only be able to see the fansite accounts (the sexter will NOT see the model's camsite accounts)
    • (we've made this as simple as this because you want to keep track of earnings in one place, so to avoid having a "model" account for camming, and another "model" account for fansites.
  • in earnings pages, a sexter will only see statistics about the fansite accounts, and never see how much money a model earns from her camsites.
Note: For the moment we only support OnlyFans and LoyalFans. We will probably add support for Fansly and other platforms, if needed. When a Sexter is using Camerolla browser, he/she will be able to open as many creator accounts as he/she wants in the same browser via our multi-login technology that we implemented directly in Camerolla:
[Image: 19-3.png]
Also, when a sexter authenticated to a creator's account (let's say OnlyFans), the panel is notified about this and our app will start monitoring the earnings this sexter is earning for that creator account (we will monitor exactly how much money the sexter is selling from tipping and chatting).
[Image: 19-4.png]
Later on, periodically, you will easily know how much money you have to pay your sexters, based on the percentages that you offer them, of those money earned from chatting and tipping.If you're managed to using the payments system of models, similarly you will also be able to create the payments for your Sexters, and you will know whom to pay and how much $$$. Also, like any other staff person, they will be registered with shifts internally, so you know how much time they are working, etc. Thoug, in their case, being "active" or inactive is measured by monitoring if the PC is IDLE or not.Thanks to our intelligent multi-login functionality, your sexters will easily go online on any creator account without ever knowing the creator's password. But even more, your sexters will never be allowed to navigate to "sensitive" pages such as banking, credit cards or settings:
[Image: 19-5.png]

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Posted by: sebi - 11-30-2022, 12:32 PM - Forum: Updates (in English) - No Replies

Here's what has changed in this update.First of all, the requirements installer (in case it doesn't auto-update (which can happen if OBS is opened!), please manually run it from here https://ro.downloads.camerolla.com/brows...1.1.39.exe) will add 2 things:

  1. a VirtualCam plugin compatible with OBS v28+ which is required for those that want to use OBS-Camera in apps like JasminFive - since things are not really working with OBS'es default virtual camera plugin).
  2. A lightweight RTMP server that we discovered is very powerful and fast and doesn't consume any CPU resources named MonaServer.
    We use this RTMP server app in order to facilitate a well awaited functionality in OBS multi-rtmp.

We launched this upate to the requirements installer yesterday, so it will have time to propagate to you - the clients.Second, the well awaited functionality about MULTI-RTMP.
Quote:Story: before this update, our app used to "decide" for a given model, which will be the MAIN site for streaming in OBS. The requirement was that the model had to first stream in that website, and only after that, to stream in the other additional sites. For example, if she had chaturbate, stripchat, camsoda, bongacams... she had to first login and start broadcasting on chaturbate, and only after that, go live on any other of her 3 camsite accounts.But even more... if she had a private show for example on a non-main website and she had to stop broadcasting on main, this would have been impossible because if she stopped main site, all other sites would have also stopped working, or causing crashes on some computers (probably due to nvidia encoding i guess).

BUT FROM TODAY, with the help of the local RTMP server i was telling you earlier, things are very simple!In OBS you will notice a new INFO in the MAIN SITE area:
[Image: obs-monaserver.png]
So what happens now is that your models can go online on all MULTI-RTMP camsites IN ANY ORDER they want, without issues.When you will be asked by your models about this change, please tell them that they can login in whatever order they want. But ask them never to stop streaming in OBS... as if they do that, it could cause issues with the other sites. Instead, ask them to use the STOP buttons in the multi-rtmp area.

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  incasarile si resetarea perioadei pe MFC
Posted by: sebi - 11-14-2022, 04:38 PM - Forum: Diverse intrebari si raspunsuri - No Replies

Quote:Salut Seb! Ce intrebare am: pe mfc, se reseteaza programul la ora 09:00..si daca modelul vine la 06, tot ce face pana la 09 se trece pe ziua precedenta. Se poate configura astfel incat, ce face de la 06 dimi pe mfc, in platforma, sa ii arate ca fiind incasari “pe azi”? Thanks a lot

Camerolla foloseste diverse tehnici interne (care variaza de la un site la altul) pentru a determina cu acuratete de zecimala incasarile fiecarui model care foloseste platforma. Si aici doresc intai de toate sa subliniez un aspect foarte important: daca pe contul fetei nu ii completezi si Stagename-ul (de obicei unii din voi completeaza doar username si parola), e foarte probabil ca detectia incasarilor va refuza sa preia incasarile. De ce? Pt ca, de exemplu, modelul poate da logout pe site si se logheaza pe contul altei fete si asa softul va prelua incasarile aleia in loc de ale ei, si asta ar conduce la preluari eronate. Deci e cam musai sa completati toate cele 3 campuri atunci cand ii declarati site-urile: username, parola si stagename.

In primul si in primul rand, ceea ce este si foarte important de stiut, este ca UN STUDIO e un fel de cont colector care colecteaza incasarile modelelor pe diverse site-uri, iar aceste site-uri functioneaza la fus orar total diferit de cel al Romaniei.
Anume, LiveJasmin e pe fusul orar de Luxemburg, GMT+1 ,MyFreeCams e GTM-10, alte site-uri din US (gen Chaturbate sau altele) sunt GMT-7, etc

Din punct de vedere LEGAL si CONTABIL, ceea ce Camerolla afiseaza ca incasari pentru data de, sa zicem, 15 aprilie 2022, fix asa ar trebui sa reiasa si din rapoartele pt 15 aprilie 2022 ale diverselor site-uri cu care studioul colaboreaza.

In mod cert, e greu de inteles uneori de ce un model care se logheaza la 4 dimineata (de exemplu) pe data de 16... si face bani pe MFC... anume de ce i se pun acei bani pt ziua precedenta (15), cand ea de fapt sta online azi, pe 16.
Well... tine de cum explici modelului si functie de asta, se va intelege sau nu. Modelul poate privi aceasta situatie in 2 moduri, fie ca ceva motivant (gen wow, ce fac acum in urmatoarele 2-3 ore se pune totusi pe perioada trecuta, deci imi vor veni mai multi bani decat credeam), fie ca pe o usoara dezamagire pt perioada curenta, gen ca ce munceste 2-3 ore, nu se vor pune pe perioada care abia a inceput.

Cert e ca eu in calitate de dezvoltator al acestui produs, nu pot face minuni pentru a impaca obiceiurile si/sau asteptarile a toata lumea, ci incerc sa aplic niste standarde care sa fie cat mai corecte din absolut orice punct de vedere.

De partea cealalta, platforma Camerolla reuseste cumva sa "centralizeze" ce anume cumuleaza ca si incasari un model de la momentul inceperii unei ture, pana la finalul acesteia.
Pe pagina principala in camerolla, in dreapta graficului cu incasarile per zile, exista 2 coloane mari si late, cu incasarile de ieri si azi. Acolo, poti urmari evolutia financiara a modelelor tale pt azi si ieri. Din setari poti configura sa-ti arate situatia "per tura".
De altfel si in pagina de incasari a fiecarui model in parte, sub incasarile per zile, iti arata si o zona cu turele modelului, printre care si incasarile aferente turei respective, atatea cate or fi fost ele.
De asemeni in orarul modelelor, daca tii mouse-ul peste tura oricarei din fete, vei remarca un "popup" unde iti zice cateva informatii: ora de inceput a turei, ora de sfarsit si banii cumulati in intervalul orar al acelei ture".

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  Ce porturi trebuie deschise pentru a functiona contorizarea orelor?
Posted by: sebi - 11-14-2022, 03:42 PM - Forum: Diverse intrebari si raspunsuri - No Replies

Quote:Salut Sebi!

Cand ai timp, imi poti spune te rog ce porturi are nevoie platforma deschise, intr-un router (port forwarding), pentru a functiona contorizarea orelor? Mersi!

De principiu nu conteaza daca exista sau nu porturi deschise pt forwarding.

Contorizarea se face in paralel in 2 moduri.
a) contorizez (din windows) ce upload se face de pe anumite aplicatii (camerolla.exe, obs64.exe, skype.exe, jcam.exe, etc) si aflu totalul de upload intr-o secunda
b) contorizez separat uploadul per porturi de streaming (80, 443, rtmp/rtmpe/rtmps)

Apoi compar (a) cu (b). Uneori e posibil ca (a) sa dea rateuri daca se "busesc" performance-counterii din windows, de asta exista si dubla-verificarea cu (b).
Daca uploadul (a) sau (b) e mai mare de 10kb/secunda cel putin cateva secunde la rand, consider ca modelul e online, altfel consider ca e in pauza.

Pt situatia in care modelul foloseste OBS si NU APASA stop pe broadcasting in OBS atunci cand pleaca in pauza (sau pt site-uri precum streamate fara OBS, care chit ca apesi stop, totusi inca se face streaming catre serverele lor, si aici mai intra si chaturbate, imlive si altele), exista butonul albastru pt pauza fortata, pe bara principala cu tab-uri din Camerolla. Si cat timp butonul ala a fost apasat si pauza fortata e in derulare, atat contorizarea din (a) cat si cea din (b) sunt ignorate.

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  OBS usage full-video
Posted by: sebi - 08-16-2022, 11:19 AM - Forum: Using OBS while online - Replies (1)

In the video bellow, you will learn the following:

  1. about the OBS usage types: disabled, dedicated and multi-streaming technique
  2. howto go online with the multi-streaming OBS
  3. howto configure various streaming options of OBS even after a model already started a camsite
  4. how tipping works and how visual effects are triggered by the browser in OBS
  5. how automatic streaming starts and stops depending on model's actions

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Video Staff scheduler
Posted by: sebi - 05-04-2022, 06:13 PM - Forum: Scheduler - No Replies

Hello guys,

In this video, you will learn how to use the staff schedulerHere's the video where you can learn all the above:

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Video Performers' Scheduler
Posted by: sebi - 05-04-2022, 06:12 PM - Forum: Scheduler - No Replies

Hello guys,

In this video, you will learn how to use the performers scheduler, and all functionalities from it. Here's what you'll learn:

  • howto add new shifts (and also, how to add vacation shifts, and why should they be used)
  • how to manually add earnings in case ever needed
  • how to write a performer evaluation for a model's shift
  • howto set notes for a shift so it "evades" the shift's automatic penalty for absences
  • howto change a shift's properties in case you want to bonus the model 1 hour of online time, etc

Here's the video where you can learn all the above:

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Video Tools, reports and overciews of models
Posted by: sebi - 05-01-2022, 03:32 PM - Forum: Tools and Reports - No Replies


From this video, you will learn how the tools and overview pages can help you better understand how your models perform online.

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Video The Targets system
Posted by: sebi - 05-01-2022, 03:29 PM - Forum: Targets - No Replies


Our software gives you some tools to better motivate your girls to reach their lifetime goals and earn more money.
Also, our tools are also good for letting your staff better track the evolution of your models, and so they'll know when to push things with a model.

Here's the video:

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Video Recruiter agents module
Posted by: sebi - 05-01-2022, 03:27 PM - Forum: Staff - No Replies


In Camerolla you can "hire" recruiter agents, and have them paid percentages of what their models have earned in your studio(s).

To learn how to do this, watch this video:

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