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Video Registering first owner account and the initial settings wizard explained
Posted by: sebi - 05-01-2022, 02:19 PM - Forum: The Settings - No Replies

Hello guys,

In  this video, I'll explain you:

  • what to do to register the first account in the web panel (the owner account)
  • and then, I will walk-you through all steps of the initial configuration wizard (the simplified setup wizard)

Here's the video

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  Securitate avansata navigand pe internet cu Camerolla
Posted by: sebi - 02-03-2022, 05:24 PM - Forum: (uncategorized) - No Replies


Doresc sa va aduc la cunostinta unul din motivele extrem de importante pentru care ar fi ideal sa folositi browserul Camerolla in detrimentul altor browsere.

O sa incep prin a va ruga sa cititi intai acest articol original de pe site-ul celor de la Brave, de aici: https://brave.com/compare/chrome/privacy/

Dupa cum puteti observa, din ce mentioneaza acestia, ei au adaugat deja functionalitati care ascund activitatea dvs online si NU trimit date (anonim) catre site-urile care incearca sa va "tina urmele" atunci cand stati online, mai ales pe site-urile de videochat.
Mai mult, Camerolla se bazeaza de fapt pe  browserul Brave si peste acesta, am adaugat si functionalitati aditionale atat de securitate cat si de funcitonalitate, care sunt specifice activitatii de videochat.

Gata, am vorbit destul, ramane sa analizati cu proprii ochi cat mai curand!

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  Camerolla is your SECURE browser
Posted by: sebi - 02-03-2022, 05:19 PM - Forum: (uncategorized) - No Replies


We want to tell you why it is highly recommended that you start using Camerolla browser for all activities in your studio.
Please allow yourself to read a bit about this topic on Brave browser: https://brave.com/compare/chrome/privacy/

As you can understand from their page, Brave browser already stops all major trackers, so when you browse websites, no data is sent anonymously to various "interested" 3rdparties.
Since our browser, Camerolla, is actually based on Brave browser, we took this further and added a few more customizations to make it better for camming industry, more secure.

Enough with the chit-chat, start camerolling today Smile

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  How do I download and install Camerolla?
Posted by: sebi - 12-31-2021, 04:22 PM - Forum: Requirements - No Replies

To download our latest browser for Windows, please go to https://downloads.camerolla.com/Cameroll...rSetup.exe

Soon we will also launch our browser for MAC aswell. We'll announce that when appropriate.

L.E. Starting 20th January 2022, the browser will auto-update automatically when a new version is available.

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Information [RO] Explicarea utilizarii CPU in Camerolla-Chrome
Posted by: sebi - 10-28-2021, 11:06 AM - Forum: (uncategorized) - No Replies


Cativa din clienti m-au intrebat de ce sunt atat de multe procese chrome.exe deschise in task manager, de ce unele sunt "background" si alte active, de ce pe 1 pc e doar 1 process background si pe altul 5, etc....
Aceasta abordare este specifica browserului Chrome si este geniala, in sensul ca, daca oricare din site-uri da o eroare si crapa (se inteapa dupa cum ziceti unii), celelalte nu sunt afectate.

Pe scurt, pentru fiecare SITE NOU care il deschizi (fie ca il deschizi in TAB nou, fie ca il deschizi in fereastra noua), cel putin 1 nou chrome.exe se va deschide pt acel site (functie de site).
De asemeni, pentru fiecare extensie instalata in browser, cel putin 1 chrome.exe se va crea, care se ocupa strict de acea extensie.

Acum, hai sa despicam firul in 4.
De exemple, imediat dupa ce porneste camerolla, daca te uiti in task manager, o sa remarci 11 procese, din care fiecare are cate o functie specifica (desi, tu fizic inca nu ai deschis niciun site):

[Image: 01-simple-start-of-browser.JPG]
Acum, da-mi voie sa explic ce e acolo.
Dupa cum poti observa pe poza mea, atat in zona de task-manager din Chrome, cat si in task managerul din Windows:
  • sunt 6 procese active
  • si 5 procese de tip background (adica, procese care ruleaza... in spate... nu stiu cum sa explic in romana... in paralel cum ar veni)
Procesele active sunt sesiuni de chrome.exe care se ocupa de paginile web deschise, de procese de randare grafica si de extensiile instalate.
De exemplu, din cele 6 procese active din imaginea de mai sus, 2 apartin extensiei Lovense, 1 alt process e din extensia Camerolla si altul din extensia AudioOnly pt YouTube.
Astfel, ca doar altele 2 sunt aplicatia chrome si randarea principala.
Procele celelalte de tip background sunt de tip randare-background, utilitati si detectia-crashurilor.
De asemeni, 2 din ele sunt specifice paginii "principale" din care modelul deschide site-urile, anume ceea ce se intampla cand apesi CTRL+T sau cand deschizi about:blank

[Image: background-procs-explained.JPG]

Dupa cum vezi ca am subliniat cu rosu:
  • 3 sunt rendere (se ocupa de randarea HTML a site-urilor)
  • 1 este un utilitar chrome
  • ultimul se ocupa de detectia si raportarea crashurilor
Acum, daca ma loghez in pagina, dupa ce ma loghez mai apare un proces in plus, anume cel care se ocupa de monitorizarea turei userului:
[Image: 02-after-login.JPG]
Bonnnnn, acum daca de exemplu deschidem un site, o sa vedeti ca apare inca un chrome.exe, care este "vinovatul" pentru deschiderea acestui nou site:
[Image: 03-after-open-1-site.JPG]
Si sa-ncerc acum sa exemplific si mai bine treaba cu 1 process pt fiecare site deschis...
Daca mai deschidem inca 2 tab-uri cu LiveJasmin... o sa remarcati inca 2 procese chrome.exe... asa ca numarul nostru total de procese active creste de la opt la zece.
[Image: 04-after-open-2-more-tabs-with-jasmin.JPG]
Ba mai mult... hai sa simulam ca unul din taburile cu LiveJasmin o sa crashuiasca... (o sa se-ntepe Shy )
Astfel ca ma duc frumos in task-manager-ul Chrome (SHIFT + ESC pt cei care nu stiu) si aleg unul din cele 3 procese LiveJasmin si apas frumos END TASK. Si ca sa vezi, ca in poza de mai jos, unul din taburi (cel din mijloc in cazul nostru) crapa... si numarul de procese chrome se micsoreaza de la 10 la 9.:
[Image: sample-kill-tab-process.JPG]

Acum, pagina principala din care modelul vede graficul cu incasari si poate sa deschida site-urile... acea pagina ocupa si ea:
  • un process ca la orice site, care se ocupa de randarea paginii
  • si inca 1 care se ocupa de randarea graficului cu incasari
Daca o sa inchidem acum tab-ul acesta, o sa remarci ca 2 din cele 5 procese de tip background or sa dispara:
[Image: after-close-ntp-only-3-background-procs.JPG]

Asta nu inseamna ca trebuie sa stati calare pe model sa inchida acel new-tab-page dupa ce-si deschide site-urile... ca nu, nu consuma CPU inutil... doar ca, probabil, va sperie ca exista acolo in lista de procese in task-manager.

Si la final, ca o recapitulare cumva, va rog sa deduceti urmatoarele:
  • Chrome-ul camerolla deschide, initial, 10 procese chrome. Asta nu inseamna ca va rupe procesorul in 2... ca in task manager daca va uitati bine, mai gasiti altele cel putin 100 de procese. Dupa cum am explicat mai sus, din cele 10 procese, 2 sunt extensia Lovense, 1 este extensia Camerolla si al 4-lea exte extensia audio-only pt youtube.
  • Daca de asemeni, mai adaogi si alte extensii in Camerolla... alea or sa adauge cel putin cate 1 process pt fiecare extensie adaugata de tine.
  • Fiecare site nou deschis va adauga un nou chrome.exe in task manager. De exemplu, daca modelul a deshis 5 site-uri + 5 clipuri pe youtube + facebook + google translate, asta inseamna inca 5+5+1+1 adica in 12 procese chrome.exe peste cele 10-11 deschise initial.
  • Un website precum MyFreeCams (care are iframes) o sa adauge 2-3 procese in plus... pentru ca fiecare iframe este de fapt un proces separat de chrome. La fel se intampla (daca tin minte bine) si pentru CamContacts.
  • De asemeni, luati aminte ca sunt site-uri care ofera ads-uri (cum o face, de exemplu, Chaturbate). Si daca ads-urile alea sunt adaugate ca iframe, asta inseamna noi procese in chrome. uite ca va exemplific treaba asta in poza de mai jos:

[Image: ads-use-more-cpu.JPG]

Sper din inima ca am explicat cat mai bine ce se intampla in Chrome, si cum functioneaza acesta.
A se nota ca si Firefox are un comportament similar, desi acolo singura diferenta este ca nu se deschide cate un process pt fiecare tab... dar tot sunt multe.... dar acolo daca iti crapa un tab, e cam riscant sa pierzi si in celelalte site-uri deschise.

Mult succes

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Information Explaining CPU usage
Posted by: sebi - 10-28-2021, 10:31 AM - Forum: (uncategorized) - No Replies

Hello guys,

Few of you, overtime, asked me they wanted to understad the CPU usage in chrome, and why a number of processes are opened, etc.
Well, this is a chrome-specific behavior, specially designed so that if a website crashes, all others are NOT affected. And this is good.

Basically, for each NEW SITE that you open (either if in a new tab or if in a new window or popup or if a frame inside other site), at least 1 new chrome.exe process will exist for it.
Also, for each browser extension that is added inside chrome, 1 new chrome.exe process gets created.

For example, first time you start camerolla app, chrome will start by default with 11 distinct processes, each having a specific job, as you can see in this image:

[Image: 01-simple-start-of-browser.JPG]
Now, let me explain what's there.
As you can see from Chrome's task manager, and also from Windows' task manager, there are:
  • 6 active processes
  • 5 background processes
The active processes are sessions of chrome that deal with pages and extensions. For example, out of the 6 active processes in the image above, 2 of them are because of Lovense extension, one is because of Camerolla assistant, another one is of YouTube audio-only. The remaining 2 are of main chrome.

The background processes are sessions of chrome that render the pages in background (paralel), or utilities that monitor crashes, etc, as you will see in the next image. 2 of them for example, are related with the new-tab-page that you see when logging-in.

[Image: background-procs-explained.JPG]

As i highlighted in RED, the background processes:
  • 3 are renderers (which render the HTML of websites into visible content)
  • 1 is a utility
  • and one is taking care of reporting crashes
Now... after the user logsin in the app, 1 new process will show-up, which takes care of monitoring user's online times etc:
[Image: 02-after-login.JPG]
Now, if we also open a new site, you will see that the active processes will increase from 7 to 8, because we will open a new tab (so, a new chrome.exe process):
[Image: 03-after-open-1-site.JPG]
Now, to even better explain this, if we open 2 more tabs with livejasmin, you will see 2 more processes... so the number of active chrome.exe processes will change from 8 to 10.
[Image: 04-after-open-2-more-tabs-with-jasmin.JPG]
Now, for the power of example... let's simulate that one of the 3 livejasmin tabs crashes (we will the TAB process from internal Chrome's task manager). You will learn that all other websites are still working, but only the tab that we killed will have crashed, and that the number of active processes decreases from 10 to 9:
[Image: sample-kill-tab-process.JPG]

As about the NEW-TAB-PAGE from where the user (model or staff) opens the camsites... that one uses 2 background processes:
  • one for rendering the page with camsites, time online, time in break, etc
  • the other for rendering the frame with the periodical earnings of the model
If you close that new-tab-page, you will see that the number of background processes decreases from 5 to 3:
[Image: after-close-ntp-only-3-background-procs.JPG]

Now... please understand that:
  • Chrome in our standard manner now usually uses at least 10 processes at minimum. This doesn't mean that all of them are CPU intensive, no... but they are indeed processes that might scare you. As explained, out of the 10, 2 are of Lovense extension, one is of Camerolla extension, one is of YuTube audio only extension.
  • If you also add more extensions to chrome, those will increase the number of processes, depending on the extensions you add.
  • Each TAB page (or window) ads at least 1 more process. So if the model opened 5 websites and 5 youtube pages, and 1 google translate and one facebook... that means 5+5+1+1 = 12 more CPU processes added to those initial 10.
  • A website like MyFreeCams which uses frames, most probably will add 2 processes or so. Might also be valid for CamContacts for example
  • Also, some websites (like chaturbate for example) are distributin ADS as iframes... and each add comes with a cost of a new CPU process in chrome! Even tracking via Google which gets added on sites might also add a new CPU process in chrome, as you can learn from the picture bellow:
[Image: ads-use-more-cpu.JPG]

I honestly hope that you understand, from this topic, how Chrome wroks.
Please note that Firefox works in a simila fashion, but in its case, the number of processes is smaller... but it is better exposed to crash-risks compared to Chrome due to its design.

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  Comments and opinions regarding BETA-2
Posted by: sebi - 10-09-2021, 11:32 AM - Forum: (uncategorized) - No Replies

Hello guys,

Please post here your opinion, feedback and suggestions about the BETA no2 launched on 9th october 2021.

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  Comentarii si pareri despre BETA-2
Posted by: sebi - 10-09-2021, 11:31 AM - Forum: (uncategorized) - Replies (2)


Va rog comentati aici cu parerile, opiniile si experienta voastra cu BETA-ul nr 2 (lansat pe 9 octombrie 2021)

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  New BETA app, 9 october 2021
Posted by: sebi - 10-08-2021, 09:05 PM - Forum: Updates (in English) - Replies (5)

Hello dear friends,

Today I'm letting you know that, in the newest BETA that is yet to be released, I've added new important and spectaculaer features that you might find really really useful.
On short, the software comes with a few features (that I will later detail and explain in replies to this topic):

  1. Automatic configuration of the configured MULTI OBS sites. On short, what you configure as MULTI in the camerolla://welcome page, will be exactly what you also see in the Multi-OBS feature of OBS. And this process is automatic.
  2. The Camerolla browser will now detect each site's specific OBS streaming parameters, and will configure OBS automatically. This said, will detect things such as RTMP server path and key, and will configure OBS for you automatically.
  3. Also, the browser will start and stop streaming in OBS automatically.
  4. Aaaaaaand, live detection of tipping (and othher features such as gifts or toy-actions) - in order to reflect this in the known visual effects from OBS
Stay tunner, will come with details soon!

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  Noutati in noul BETA, 9 Octombrie 2021
Posted by: sebi - 10-08-2021, 08:57 PM - Forum: Update-uri (in Romana) - Replies (6)

Salutare dragilor,

Astazi va anunt ca, in noul BETA al noii aplicatii pt modele si staff, vin cu adaogiri foarte importante si deosebit de interesante.
Pe scurt, softul vine cu urmatoarele functionalitat, functii pe care le voi explica ulterior prin reply-uri, ca sa intelegeti ce si cum functioneazai:

  1. Configurare AUTOMATA a site-urilor in modulul MULTI din OBS. Anume, ceea ce configurezi in chrome-ul Camerolla in pagina camerolla://welcome in setarile OBS pe optiunea MULTI - doar acele site-uri vor apare configurate si in OBS, fara sa te mai incurce altele pe care probabil nu le folosesti.
  2. Configurare automata a parametrilor de streaming pt toate site-urile supportate, astfel ca pana si cel mai incepator model va putea sa intre online fara efort.
  3. Pornire si oprire automata a streaming-ului in OBS
  4. Detectia tips-urilor atunci cand modelul este online... cam peste tot (exceptand site-urile cu soft dedicat, gen bimbim/livejasmin/flirt4free)
Stay tunned !!!

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