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  Lovense extension issues
Posted by: sebi - 10-01-2024, 09:57 AM - Forum: Diverse intrebari si raspunsuri - No Replies

Hello guys,

In the last 2 weeks of september 2024 (and probably upcoming weeks too) there have been issues reported with Camerolla and Lovense extension in combination with Chaturbate site.
Here are the requirements to see this issue happening:

  • have camerolla installed
  • have OBS and the Lovense OBS Toolset installed
  • have the Lovense extension configured for Chaturbate inside camerolla (though this also happens in Google Chrome or other browsers sometimes)

When a model is streaming on Chaturbate, when a client wants to take that model into a private show, the private shows is somehow automatically denied by "something". The model most of the times doesn't have time to press the accept private button and even if accepts the private, it is somehow denied 1-2 seconds after that (most of the times, instantly).

I've made tests on my own and it appears that IF the original multi-rtmp of Lovense OBS toolset is installed, the privates ARE NOT denied. But if Camerolla's multi-rtmp is present instead, the privates are denied.
Why? I don't know. As a conspirationist, I tend to think that Lovense might be secretly streaming the private shows via their multi-rtmp plugin to their own servers, maybe they already have a huge collection of recorded private shows, i don't know... but this is only some theory of "why" they would deny the private show when their multi-rtmp plugin is missing. I don't have time to reverse-engineer their code to figure out if this is really happening, but i see no other reason why they could deny the private shows.

So, here is what I have tested:
  • if the lovense extension is installed in Camerolla but disabled for chaturbate (though keep it for all other sites), the private shows are working correctly on Chaturbate
  • i have tested by forcing their older extension which doesn't have this issue BUT models get "anxious" when they see their "upgrade notice" popup that shows the extension should upgrade
  • i have also tested with their lovense extension (latest version) but without Lovense OBS Toolset installed and in 90% of the cases, this also works ok
Now, I am faced with the situation that:
  • models NEED the extension because of the effects and toy-reactions (dooh, obviously)
  • models also love thier OBS Toolset because of the visual effects (dooh, nice work they did)

Several clients tried to reach Lovense on various channels (including myself), either by email or by Discord. We did NOT received any response from them OR we were banned from their Discort channels.

Now ... my hands are tied. They were forced to change the system their extension works due to Chrome manifest restrictions, thus the extension works differently now.
But as of Camerolla, I don't know what to do to make everyone happy, so in the latest release, here is what I did:
  • as of OBS, our multi-rtmp has been re-made so now it is named Camerolla MultiRTMP so it will not conflict with Lovense's MultiRTMP.
  • Camerolla itself (the browser) is shipped with their LATEST extension. However, if anyone of you wants to use the OLD extension, you can use --olderlovense parameter when starting Camerolla and this will be automatically handled by the browser.
  • t is up to you to decide if you want to use the OBS toolset or the extension on chaturbate, depending on how much you need the private shows on Chaturbate
Thanks for your time.

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  Howto manually add Lovense extension to Camerolla
Posted by: sebi - 04-24-2024, 03:56 PM - Forum: Generic questions and answers - No Replies

Hello guys,

Its been years with the previous versions of the Lovense extension which worked like a charm, but recently the guys at Lovense have made some changes to the extension so that I AM NOT ABLE to provide it pre-installed anymore and also the automatic login inside the extension will not work anymore.

But what is important is that I thrive to give you solutions to use it. So here is a guide about how to do this (though they also have a guide on their website aswell, most probably better than this that I created).

  1. First, please download the extension (that I also modified a little, in case they will respond to my request to make some changes to re-enable automatic login inside it). Here is the link for download: https://downloads.camerolla.com/Lovense-...31.3.6.zip
  2. After you have downloaded the ZIP file, extract its contents somewhere on your PC, in a location that will not be deleted by accident by models or whatever
  3. After this, please follow the steps which are better described by the images bellow, since its easier to explain the process like this:

[Image: step1-goto-extensions-to-enable-developer-mode.png]

P.S. The address in that bar is chrome://extensions - that is where you manage your installed extensions from camerolla.
P.S.2. If you already have the previous Lovense extension installed there, please remove it first, as you will later add the newest one.

[Image: step2-click-load-unpacked.png]

[Image: step3-pin-the-extension.png]

Thanks alot for your input and support.
In case in future the guys at Lovense will make changes so that their extension could also be used as a CRX file, I will make updates to bring back the previous way of doing things, but to be honest, I never had a good communication with them and they are unlikely to respond to my requests.

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  Why earnings are not always being detected correctly
Posted by: sebi - 04-02-2024, 06:22 PM - Forum: Generic questions and answers - No Replies


Camerolla's earning detection works best if the following conditions are met:

  1. the model uses the app and keeps the websites opened (because the earnings detection is happening only when a website is opened, otherwise there is no detection happening)
  2. the Windows on the computers is installed in English. Country can be set to user's location, but the Windows must be in English. Some websites show-up data in the user interface according to user's timezone and currency settings (for example, 1,354 could mean 1 point 354 or could mean 1 thousands 354, depending on PC settings).
  3. the browser's settings should also be default
  4. each website should better BE in English language. If the model changes its interface in some other language, detection will most probably fail. For example xlovecam, if you use ES as language, all earnings will have a different interpretation in the UI. Take a look at my 2 attachments so you can see yourself how things look like in different languages.

For example:
  • in Spanish, a date is *15/03/24* , earned value is *0,47 €* (using COMMA as decimals separator)
  • in English, the date is *3/15/24* or "15/03/2024" and the earned value is *€0.47* (using DOT as decimals separator)

Camerolla DOES NOT interpret user's interface language. We cannot make it "work" for all websites in their all possible languages and "specifics".

Now, about the detected earnings (as they are), there are 2 things:
  • the day's earnings --- which means that 1st march is 1st march of stripchat, of streamate, of chaturbate... according to their timezones AND NEVER 1st march of the model's country.
  • the shift's earnings, which is a SUM of detected earnings in the shift's timeframe: START and END date. What does it mean is that the shift started at 07:12:22 and ended at 19:22:22 ... whatever earnings have been discovered in this timeframe are SUMMED and BELONG to that shift. But a trainer can manually change the earnings after the model left the studio (or loggedoff) and those correction will never fix the shift's SUM of values.

In theory, the data that exists in the first table (the one with the period's days) should match the total earnings as per each website. If doesn't:
  • either the app wasn't used continuously and some earnings are missing
  • either the model received offline earnings after her last login
  • either the PC's settings (language/etc) are not standard / default and thus the detection is faulty.
  • either the model has changed website's language from English to some other language

Hope this topic will make some things clear for your business.

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  Online/Offline detection is NOT working correctly on some computers
Posted by: sebi - 02-26-2024, 03:30 PM - Forum: Generic questions and answers - Replies (1)

This is a topic that has raised many discussions over the years.
Detecting if a model is ONLINE can be done in only a few ways:

  • detection of keyboard and/or mouse activity --- which is not good because models are most of the time dancing/speaking, so this method fails
  • detection if various TABs in the browser are activated or not and if there's activity on them - fails because some sites have dedicated apps (such as Jasmin or F4F or others) and more-over, even if a site is open on some page, it doesn't necessary mean that the model is actually online on that site. And implementing a per-site "detection" is impossible
  • speaking with various site's Affiliate programs - which SHOULD report-back if a model is online or not. This method also fails because the data is mostly "not live" (but cached, 1 minute on average), not all the sites have such an affiliate program implemented and even if all would do, they are all different and constantly changing due to changes in the industry, and it would fail in a day-by-day usage scenario
  • monitoring the UPLOAD speed on model's computer. If does some upload, means that the model is streaming (dooh) and this is the solution we've chosen, despite it still raises some issues.

So, Camerolla uses the last method: measuring internet UPLOAD speed PER SECOND. Considering that most sites are doing HD resolutions, an upload speed of AT LEAST 15kb/sec means that the model is online, while less than that, she is offline.
You may wonder WHY i chosen the 15kb/second ... well that is because there are some websites which use RTC and high-compression algorithms where the upload is (believe me or not) as low as that.

Measuring the upload speed on a PC is a perfect solution BUT it still has some "hacks" (or issues).
For example, a model can keep streaming using OBS to some website BUT in real she is offline and smoking or whatever...
Unfortunately, the app itself cannot verify if the model is "for real" really streaming... if she discovered this "small issue" into tricking the system, i guess its good that you still have trainers/admins in your studios who monitor them --- and for such a case, there's a FORCE BREAK button inside camerolla, which will set a break for the model, despite if she actually is still streaming in OBS.

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Exclamation How to re-overwrite OBS MultiRtmp with ours
Posted by: sebi - 02-08-2024, 03:50 PM - Forum: Generic questions and answers - No Replies

When it happens that Lovense's OBS Toolset is updatnig, it always messes up with all files and ruins your standard multi-rtmp usage.

To fix this, here's what you need to do:

  1. Download our version of the plugin from https://ro.downloads.camerolla.com/obs-m...mp-qt6.dll
  2. Close your OBS entirelly
  3. open FileExplorer on your windows (WIN key + E) and manually navigate to this path: C:\ProgramData\obs-studio\plugins\obs-multi-rtmp-qt6\bin\64bit
  4. delete the obs-multi-rtmp-qt6.dll that exists in that directopry (which is the one from Lovense)
  5. copy the file you donwloaded at step 1 in this path.
Now you can start using OBS as before Lovense's automatic update again

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  Aw, Snap!
Posted by: sebi - 10-23-2023, 02:14 PM - Forum: Diverse intrebari si raspunsuri - No Replies

Daca se intampla la vruen moment dat sa intampinati vreo eroare de tipul Aw, Snap!, conform developerilor de la Google - treaba asta se intampla doar atunci cand exista o eroare in profilul de chrome al browserului Camerolla (cauzata, de fapt, de "sandbox violation" - anume acea chestie cum ca orice tab imparte-si-nu memorie si alte exe-uri simultan).
Pentru a repara problema, tot cei de la Google au recomandat ca solutia este sa se stearga profilul de Chrome si astfel, la un nou start al aplicatiei, sa fie unul fresh.

Pentru a sterge profilul de Camerolla (chrome) faceti urmatoarele:
1. Deschideti Windows explorer (sau my computer)
2. In bara de navigare, dati copy/paste la textul acesta: %appdata%\..\Local\CygnusTechnologies\
3. Stergeti tot ce exista in acel folder
4. Re-porniti Camerolla si reconfigurati adresa de URL de client + setarile de OBS.

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Music Probleme cu sunetul din youtube sau la modul general intre site-uri
Posted by: sebi - 07-28-2023, 11:09 AM - Forum: Diverse intrebari si raspunsuri - No Replies


Una din intrebarile recente are 2 forme si aceeasi cauza:

  1. Sunetul modelelor (voce, gemete, etc) se aude pe site-urile din Camerolla DAR sunetul muzicii din YouTube NU se aude pe site-urile respective
  2. Pe unele site-uri nu se aude sunetul modelelor de loc, de exemplu pe Streamate si ImLive, desi pe LiveJasmin se aude fara probleme

Cauza este de fapt o functionalitate super desteapta din Chrome care face un soi de noise-cancellation care ar trebui sa ajute utilizatorii din corporatii atunci cand sustin meetinguri in Zoom sau Teams sau Jitsi sau alte platforme de video-call.

Solutia este sa navigati in Camerolla la adresa chrome://flags si acolo sa dati cautare dupa cuvantul AUDIO si apoi sa dati DISABLE la urmatoarele 3 optiuni, fix ca in poza aceasta:

[Image: sound-params-for-streaming.jpg]

Deci, setati pe DISABLED urmatoarele 3 optiuni:
  • Allow WebRTC to adjust the input volume - asta ca sa nu se mai creeze probleme de volum intre site-uri
  • WebRTC downmix capture audio method
  • Chrome-wide echo cancellation - asta e de fapt optiunea care face ca sunetul sa nu mai fie disponibil intre site-uri

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  How to delete the Camerolla browser profile?
Posted by: sebi - 03-20-2023, 03:04 PM - Forum: Diverse intrebari si raspunsuri - No Replies

To delete the Camerolla browser profile, follow this guide:
1. open windows explorer
2. in the address bar, navigate to %appdata%/../Local/CygnusTechnologies
3. Make sure that Camerolla is closed
4. from the folder listing that shows up, delete the Camerolla-Browser directory

[Image: howto-delete-camerolla-browser.jpg]

Print this item - 21st Feb 2023
Posted by: sebi - 02-21-2023, 06:14 PM - Forum: Updates (in English) - No Replies

Here's what changed in this update (, released on 21st Feb 2023)

  1. Chrome has been updated from v103 to v110 now
  2. VERY IMPORTANT fix regarding use of webcams in Chrome. As you might have experienced, if a webcam is already in use by some other app (eg a Splitter or OBS) but if you wanted to also use the WebEncoder in some website, on some PCs the browser would have failed at the step when you where asked to choose a camera. I've successfully changed some internal chrome-code to fix this issue (which btw exists also in Firefox, Opera, Edge, Brave, etc).
  3. AutoLogin and Earnings detection for ManyVids
  4. AutoLogin, Earnings and PayPerMin management for CamModelDirectory
  5. Fixed autologin in YouTube accounts
  6. Upgraded internal LovenseExtension from 30.5.0 to 30.5.4 (latest on their site)
  7. Fixed a crash regarding some API communication with your portal (regarding Articles query)
  8. Some changes on earnings detection in regards of multi-session technology. Internally it's saved now if the earnings detection came from a model who was online or from a trainer/admin who navigated her website instead from the office
  9. Some changes on Chaturbate's earnings detection. Seems in some studios, earnings pages reported a "too many requests" error, thus i've increased the timeout between pages to avoid this in future
  10. Many changes to the multi-session technology that exists in the product. About this, I will talk separatelly, bellow.

About the Multi-session technology + its session-in-the-cloud feature

What it is: it is a functionality I've created that allows ONE user using ONE browser to be simultaneously loggedin in multiple accounts of a same website. For example, if we take Facebook as example, you can login in more than one FB account now using Camerolla. Basically you would have a TAB (or group of tabs) for one account, other TAB(s) for the 2nd account, etc.

Usability: this functionality should be very handy especially for trainers/admins, because they can now keep multiple accounts opened, without the need to logout and relogin in order to check something on some other account.Furthermore, this could be very handy for Creators Agencies. Such agencies use sexters (instead of models) who literally use multiple accounts of a same website in their shift and type messages/etc.

The cloud feature. The very cool feature added to it is that now an account's session gets to be saved in your cloud (your portal). How it works... well, it's crazy, but in short:
  • first time user connects to a website, if will perform authentication (if no auth session exists already in cloud. Otherwise, session will be restored)
  • after successful auth, session gets stored locally in the browser. When the model closes Camerolla, then it is the time when the session gets sent to the cloud (i've also implemented some browser idle detection to send the session, but this was not heavily tested yet)
  • when the user opens Camerolla again next day, session gets "synced", and she doesn't need to login again, as data is already there, synced (except for the case when she returns after too much time and session expires meanwhile as per each site's policy)
  • etc
Benefits of cloud feature:
  • without need to relogin, users don't need to fillin the annoying captcha everytime (as it happens on BongaCams, Stripchat, Cam4 for some countries, OnlyFans, etc etc etc)
  • especially for OnlyFans case (as they might flag accounts for face verification when logging-in), this is crucial feature and this is the reason why OnlyFans agencies use apps such as GoLogin or Infloww or others, which are extremely expensive.
  • less time spending on opening a website, because you skip waiting till login happened
  • also a good thing for premium YouTube accounts which can be "shared" for a whole-studio. In case you'd want to have such a premium YT account for your entire studio, let me know and I will tell you what needs to be done to achive this.
  • take the scenario when the model loggedin in some site, then went home or something. Then some trainer opens her site, and gets loggedin automatically, very fast, because sessiion data existed in cloud already, etc.
Tests I've made: I've tested this combined multi-session technology and also the cloud-feature of session data on all websites that we officially support, and it's working nicely now, as lots of bugs I've fixed in what I released ~3 weeks ago.However, on some websites restoring the session is not working becuase that is how the websites have been built. And here we have XLoveCam - who has browser-session cookies (which are invalid once the browser closes), AdultWork. On other websites, I've tested it for days and works very nice, such as BongaCams, CamContacts, Cam4, Cams (streamray), Chaturbate, Camsoda, CherryTV, CamModelDirectory, ePlay, Flirt4Free, ImLive, LiveJasmin, LoyalFans, ManyVids, MyFreeCams, OnlyFans, SecretFriends, Streamate, Stripcat, Swag, XLovecam, YouTube, etc.

ATENTION though!The cloud feature is initially disabled for everyone, because despite I'm very smart, I don't have a studio to test this feature LIVE, in a real life scenario. I've made thousands of tests myself, alone, in my office... but what if something went bad somewhere.If ANY of you want to test this feature, please let me know and I will enable the feature for you. The only thing that could be bad is that for some model to receive cookies of some other model account... In theory this should NOT happen, but what if. So if you'll choose to test this feature, I will guide you on how to proceed in this case and I will monitor what is happening. If it will pass tests with few of you guys, they I will probably enable it to everyone so that all of you can benefit from it.

Print this item - 31st Jan 2023
Posted by: sebi - 01-31-2023, 07:56 PM - Forum: Updates (in English) - No Replies

Here's what's new in (probably) the last release of this app which is still based on Chrome v103

  1. It seems that the flag we re-enabled at a client's request a while ago (WindowsMediaFoundation) is actually causing issues with selecting webcam when ANY webcam is already in use by other apps (or tabs). This being said, the WindowsMediaFoundation is again disabled by default in the browser, to ensure proper functionality again.
  2. It was really hard work, but I successfully implemented a new technology in order to support multi-sessions ❤❤❤❤. My previous implementation was okeish, simple (i like things simple)... and lots of you were happy about it, but it seems it had some issues and that is why it was removed previous release. Now, after more research and few hundred hours of work, I've implemented a new technology in this browser that allows it.
    BUT even more... a website's authenticated-session gets now saved to your portal, so next time when you will open the same website, the app will simply re-use your authentication data, without the need to login again. This means that on most websites you will not have to fill-in captcha again eachtime you login, etc.
    P.S. This opens the door to more opportunities for OnlyFans agencies 👀, meaning that more sexters could use the same creator's session in paralel - without needing to relogin/etc (except if session expires at some point, which is supposed to happen at times)
  3. Fixed authentication issues on some websites (such as Camsoda or CamContacts) as I've discovered it was damaged (though nobody reported it back)
  4. In OBS multi-rtmp we added the NEW TARGET button that you can use if you want to also restream to websites that we don't officially support by default. Initially we didn't wanted to allow users this option because opens the door to distributing the library to unwanted 3rd parties, but... let it be.
  5. In OBS settings, now you have a 4th option. It happened that a few clients want to use XSplit or their own OBS, so they don't want our builtin functionality, and of course, everyone is free to use whatever they want. So, when you configure options for camsites, you are allowed to choose one of the following 4 options:
  • do nothing - use this option if you don't want any intteraction from our app (so your model can choose herself if wants to use WebEncoder or your own OBS or XSplit or whaever you have)
  • our dedicated OBS - means that for a camsite, the browser will open a unique OBS (so you can have multiple OBS instances running at the same time)
  • our OBS in Multi-RTMP technique - for having 1 OBS from which you re-stream to other websites when needed
  • force WEB encoder - use this option if you want to force the web encoder (where possible). For example on chaturbate, when the model will go online, if she clicks the "external streaming" button, whe will be redirected back to web-encoder right away.
 After this release I will focus on upgrading the Chrome to (probably) version 109.After that, more plans are on table

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