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Full Version: How to re-overwrite OBS MultiRtmp with ours
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When it happens that Lovense's OBS Toolset is updatnig, it always messes up with all files and ruins your standard multi-rtmp usage.

To fix this, here's what you need to do:
  1. Download our version of the plugin from
  2. Close your OBS entirelly
  3. open FileExplorer on your windows (WIN key + E) and manually navigate to this path: C:\ProgramData\obs-studio\plugins\obs-multi-rtmp-qt6\bin\64bit
  4. delete the obs-multi-rtmp-qt6.dll that exists in that directopry (which is the one from Lovense)
  5. copy the file you donwloaded at step 1 in this path.
Now you can start using OBS as before Lovense's automatic update again